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Aesthetic Procedures after Bariatric Surgery

Losing significant weight is one of the most exciting and life-changing achievements our patients will experience. After bariatric surgery or beginning weight loss medications, patients may lose so much weight that they begin to feel like a completely new person, with new goals and visions for their highest self. We created the wellness part of our practice to help cater to those who are looking for additional ways to help bring their inner beauty to the surface.

Over the course of a year or two after bariatric surgery or beginning to take weight loss medications, patients losing a significant amount of weight can develop aesthetic concerns as their body tries to bounce back. These concerns can often be managed with simple lifestyle changes and nonsurgical procedures, including botox and body contouring.

Maintaining Aesthetics During Weight Loss

Before we continue, however, it’s essential to understand what contributes to aesthetic results after significant weight loss. For one, genetics plays an important role. You may be prone to excess hanging skin or have less supple skin, which makes postoperative aesthetic procedures more important to you. The amount of weight you lose and the speed at which you lose it will also significantly affect how your face and body look. Remember, losing weight at a measured pace is ideal for keeping it off long-term and allowing your body to adapt. Lastly, muscle tone will significantly affect your body’s appearance. Be sure to follow your prescribed postoperative exercise plan.

>Maintaining Aesthetics During Weight Loss

Botox Injections

Injectable facial treatments for wrinkles, like Botox, are popular because they’re practical, affordable, and require no recovery, unlike surgical face lifts. Many bariatric patients turn to Botox to slow down or prevent the signs of aging and maintain a younger look. If you’ve ever pondered the possibility of using Botox to keep wrinkles at bay, explore our page to learn if it may be right for you.

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>Botox Injections

Body Contouring

With exceptional and often very rapid weight loss comes several considerations, not least of which are excess skin and areas of fat that may not be burned off linearly. Many patients can dramatically decrease their weight and improve their aesthetics with a good exercise regimen that includes cardio, activity, and strength training. But sometimes, they need a little help. Learn more about our three-in-one solution that can address hanging skin, target various areas of body fat, and build muscle.

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>Body Contouring