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Life After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric, or weight-loss surgery, is one of the most unique surgical processes in the medical world. While the procedure itself adheres to the same principles as other abdominal general surgeries, the process in getting to surgery, as well as the aftercare process, is completely different.

Bariatric surgery aftercare is just as important as the procedure itself.  The surgery will not be a sufficient lifestyle change alone. The effectiveness of the support structure around you will truly make a significant difference.

The first is the immediate recovery phase. This is where patients will be getting used to living life without some of the foods and drinks that they were once accustomed. This is also where patients will begin taking care of themselves after being discharged from the hospital and starting on their journey to recovery and better health. Some of the key topics during this time include:

The second phase of our aftercare program revolves around the weight loss process and support. This is usually the first year-and-a-half to two years after surgery, before you have reached your goal weight. Some of the topics we must commonly discuss include: